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"I'll admit that while I have always required my kids and their friends to buckle up, I would just tell them to as they climbed in the car but not check to make sure they listened. Since you began Kailee's foundation, I refuse to drive until everyone is buckled even if it is a two mile drive through the neighborhood. I also remind them the importance of it. Although they did not know Kailee, they know her story now. Just a few days ago my 16 year old son was in a car accident when he lost control due to the rain and crashed into a fence. He and his friend were uninjured because they were wearing their seat belts. I honestly don't know if they would have been wearing them if it wasn't for your campaign, so thank you! Kailee's legacy will continue to touch and protect lives." -Bonny Y.

Kailee Mills Foundation is recognized as a tax-exempt charity under the US Internal Revenue Service Code 501(c)(3) and has the following IRS Tax ID number; 82-3501862. Donations, gifts, bequests, and legacies to the Foundation are deductible for income tax purposes.


© 2017 by Kailee Mills Foundation

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