Seat Belt Awareness for Students
It is hard to get kids and teens to listen. They seem to zone out like Charlie Brown in school as soon as an adult starts talking. We want to change the perception that seat belts are something their mom or dad just hound them about to something more personal and engaging. While education is the cornerstone to understanding why seat belts are vital every trip for every passenger, KMF is also able to make it personal and relatable to teens.
Kailee Mills Foundation uses the tragedy of losing their 16 year old daughter as a somber reminder to teens that letting your guard down, even for a split second, could cause devastating repercussions. Their life is in their hands no matter where in the vehicle they sit.
Of the many ways we educate students on the importance of seat belt use, these are the top three:
High School Assemblies
Seat Belt Checks
Seat Belt Ribbon Distribution to Students
KMF also does special presentations for various school groups, such as 4H and athletic teams, as well as Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts of America. We do our best to be available to as many schools or youth groups as we can. We know sometimes it takes someone else to make our kids listen.